HOMEPAGE > > A. Murray - 27.03.2012.

28/03/2012 10:19 CEST - INTERVISTE

A. Murray - 27.03.2012

27 marzo 2012

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Q. Nice just to get a match in after sort of three or four days of practice just to get back into a competitive environment again?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, to be honest, it didn't feel that much different, to be honest.
I felt fine from the start of the match. Probably the first game probably helped with that, as well, because saved a couple of break points, there was a lot of long rallies, a lot of moving.
After that, kind of loosened up a little bit; felt much better. So that first game, even though it was like 17, 18 minutes, was probably a good thing after not playing for a few days.

Q. Talk a little bit about that. It said 17 minutes on the TV. Some people practically play a set, and that was one game.
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I mean, just with our game styles, often when I play against him it's often a lot of long rallies.
You know, he's one of those guys that almost feel sometimes the better you play against him, the better he plays.
Sometimes you need to put in a bit of junk really to make him make mistakes and change the pattern of the points. Because when you're just hitting, hitting, hitting, he hardly ever misses. He's a very tough guy to play against. That first game would show that.
You need to work very hard to make him make mistakes and make him feel pressure.

Q. Does this week have a different feel for you because Ivan is here, as opposed to last week when he didn't come? Are the weeks that he's coming around different, or how so are they different?
ANDY MURRAY: Um, I mean, yeah, every time you sort of have a change in personnel it's always a little bit different. You know, but having him around is always gonna help. I'm always gonna learn new things each week, and, you know, learn from sort of his experiences.
Yeah, so, I mean, any time I can spend even if it's a day or two days, I'm gonna learn stuff. It's been very beneficial having him around the last few months. I've learned a lot already, and hopefully will keep learning.

Q. He's never coached before; has he adapted in your mind?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, that's the thing. That's what kind of attracted me to working with him. When I met with him in the first couple of times, he basically said because he had never coached before he would need help. He'd need someone to talk to, someone that's coached before, because it's just very different to being a player.
That's something that I think he's done a very good job of, is not sort of just saying everything from kind of his side or what he would have done when he played.
He was very good at, I guess, kind of putting himself in my head and seeing how I was seeing things. He asked a lot of questions compared with a lot of the coaches that I worked with before.
Yeah, he wants to learn, which for someone who's been as good as him, is refreshing. There's not that many people that have been in his position that want to learn.

Q. Was another attraction to him possibly that he's a guy who proved that you can lose your first three, four Grand Slam finals and then come back and win a whole bountiful of them?
ANDY MURRAY: Yeah, I mean, I think it wasn't the only thing, but when I spoke to him about the way that he like viewed things and saw things was very positive.
Yeah, being in those positions and having someone to talk to about that would help. But, you know, some people again, because he won eight slams or whatever afterwards, he could easily have, you know, been sometimes guys come across as a bit patronizing, and he's just not been like that at all.
He's been very, very positive and upbeat about everything. Been very open about talking about emotions that he had at certain stages of his career and certain matches.
You know, just having someone that understands what it's like, you know, waiting to play an Australian Open final or US Open final, you know, when you play late in the day and you're sitting around all day until 7:30, it's nice knowing that even the greatest players ever, you know, they get very, very nervous themselves.
So it's just good to have someone to talk to about that stuff.

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