HOMEPAGE > > S. Williams - 16.05.2012.

16/05/2012 21:34 CEST - INTERVISTE

S. Williams - 16.05.2012

16 maggio 2012

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Q: And so Serena, having come back today and having closed late last night, it must have been a very tough match today.
WILLIAMS: Well, it wasn't that easy. It was a quick turnaround. When I saw the schedule, I said – Oh my God – are you serious. That's life. You just have to be able to adjust and make the best of it and so I was really happy to come through today.
Q: Serena – what did you feel about the match today. At the beginning, did you have any trouble with your back? Are you feeling physically in top condition?
WILLIAMS: Everyone has aches and pains here and there and today I felt it a lot because I have been playing a lot and practicing even more. Hopefully I'll be better by tomorrow, Q: You clearly had a tough match out there today but you clearly wanted also to win. What motivates you to keep coming up with the goods – especially after a tournament like Madrid?
WILLIAMS: I don't know. I thought, just stay in here and when I lost the first set I though ….. just stay in here and you'll have a change and today I just didn't want to give up – well, I never do want to give up or have never
wanted to give up. I really wanted it today regardless about how I was feeling,
Q: What is your favourite schedule. Would you like to play in the morning or in the afternoon or evening. Do you prefer to have spare time to do something else or don't you have any time anyway to do it.
WILLIAMS: Well, I always say I that morning matches but it turns out that they are the best because you finish your match and you have the rest of the day and if it is a Grand Slam then you might have a match the next day so I don't care too much when I play.
Q: Have you ever tried to influence or say I prefer to play at that time or with lights or whatever…?
WILLIAMS: Usually I do but usually my agent is here and she does that but she is not here this week and do I haven't really thought about it.
Q: What is it like playing the European circuit again this year after missing it last year?
WILLIAMS: Its really good and I love European and being able to play here the whole swing is really cool and I'm really enjoying it.
Q: After playing clay, …. Inaudible….. how much comfort do you have compared to the younger players?
WILLIAMS: I definitely have developed a lot of confidence on it and I like it – well have always liked it – its only I haven't won a lot of tournaments on it……. but now I'm getting more wins,
Q: It’s a few years since you did the Serena Slam. Novak is now going for the Novak slam…in a couple of weeks slam. I wonder what you were feeling like when you were going in to the last one to complete the Serena slam. Were you nervous or did you feel that you were on such a roll that you though nobody would beat you?
WILLIAMS: Well, I just felt so confident and I thought nobody would beat me. I was heading to Australia but it was on hard court and that's a good surface fro me but I think I had a tough tournament and my first match I almost lost but I just kept fighting.
Q: And what type of achievement would it be considering the strength of the men's game if Novak was to do it?
WILLIAMS: It would be unbelievable. I don't even think Roger did it. If Novak does it then he can join my club and we can be best friend.
Q: Inaudible …. but you do seem to be relishing being out there in the thick of the action. Is it always as big as ever, the inspiration to keep on playing?
WILLIAMS: Yes – I am so inspired to be out there, The only incentive that I have is that I love tennis and I love playing. I say, this is what I love best and there are a lot of times in life that you don't get the chance to do what
you do best but this is definitely where I belong.
Q: Serena, the fashion change all the time and women change their inaudible……. I can remember some time when you were friends with some fashion ….. Italian fashion like Cavalli and things like that and then recently Armani. Many times it depends on the sponsor and you are invited into the shop and you say it is most beautiful and so on ….. Can you tell us now how much you have changed your attitude to the fashion compared to the past when you were more a kid and less of a woman.
WILLIAMS: Yes, but I think I am a girl and not yet a woman but …. As a young girl you are really into the trends and what is hot and hot now….. Now I am into having classical pieces and mixing some trendy pieces which
makes it look like dynamite and suits my body type., This is why I like Armani because he is so classic with his designs and his colour palate…. I am so inspired by everything that he does, I love Azzedine Alaïa, he's a French stylist. There is a big difference now. I'm into fabrics and things……
Q: You said last summer you were practicing every day for the first time. What other changes have you made at this stage of your career compared when you were starting.
WILLIAMS: Well, my personal life is done and so I am just focusing on tennis right now.
Q: Congratulations for your rap song, Did you like to sing this song and would you like to hear it on the centre court?
WILLIAMS: Well, I was in the studio with friends and I wanted to do something and so they said – do this and it was for me. The next thing I know --- that was one or two years ago and then I read online that I was a rapper and so my backstabbing friends did that to me and so if I see them, I will act like a rapper -- -if you can get my drift.

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