HOMEPAGE > > Murray si dà allo spettacolo (Daily Telegraph).

22/03/2012 11:01 CEST - Rassegna internazionale

Murray si dà allo spettacolo (Daily Telegraph)


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Will this week’s video campaign from his racket-manufacturers, Head, do anything to change the embedded perception of the grumpy Scot? Probably not. But it’s a quirky little number, and funny with it, especially when Murray starts pogoing up and down while strumming an electric guitar.

“It’s all a pose,” you might say. “He’s just doing it for the cameras.” But then the man you see on the court, apparently weighed down by the cares of Job, is just as unrepresentative of Murray’s real personality as the comedy rock star on this YouTube skit.

What is endearing is the effort he put into his performance, even if he admits that acting doesn’t come easily to him.
“I certainly wasn’t enjoying dancing on the stage with the electric guitar,” Murray explained on Wednesday from Miami, where he will play his first match at the Sony Ericsson Open against Alejandro Falla on Thursday.

“I felt so uncomfortable. It’s like any advert or little film, you might feel like a bit of a pillock, or you might feel stupid at the time of doing it, but it seemed like it turned out OK, and hopefully everybody likes it.”

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