19/01/2013 12:41 CEST - AO 13 INTERVISTE

S. Stephens - 19.01.2013

7-5 6-3

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Q.  Did it feel like Fed Cup match?
SLOANE STEPHENS:  Yeah, it was intense.  I felt like I was playing an Italian player in Italy.  It was crazy.
But, yeah, I don't know.  It's weird.

Q.  Don't understand why?
SLOANE STEPHENS:  No, I totally understand.  But I just didn't think it would be like that.  Who knew that all those people would come.  It was on a little court.  I'm going to have to talk to Craig.  It was crazy.

Q.  You seemed like you lost your momentum when she took that medical timeout.  Is that fair to say?
SLOANE STEPHENS:  Yeah, fair enough.  But just kind of how the game, how it works.  I mean, I've played probably    I don't know how many matches I played since I've been to Australia.  But I'd say like a good five of them there's been a bathroom break or a medical timeout.  So I'm used to it.

Q.  How well do you know Laura off the court?  Do you talk ever?
SLOANE STEPHENS:  Yeah, we're pretty good friends.  Actually my mom and her mom are good friends.  Right after I got off the court, my mom texted me.  She was like, Great job, good fight.  And she said, Cathy says, Great job and good luck in the next round.  That's Laura's mom.
Laura and I are good friends.  She's obviously a good player.  We're going to have a rivalry, all that good stuff.

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